Thursday, April 21, 2016

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Our Berlin Wall Visit

berlin wall

Visiting such a place always gives the traveler a reason to pause and reflect, to be thankful for the ability to travel. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Wildtracks | Manatee and Primate Rehabilitation in Belize

What I saw and learned about the Manatee and Primate Rehabilitation in Belize hosted and managed by a non-profit organization called Wildtracks so fascinating I just might have to come back.
Not only do they serve as the only rehabilitation center for these species in Belize, they also have an amazing and affordable volunteer program that lets them accomplish a lot more, while allowing volunteers the opportunity to get experience working hands on with these animals for 1 or more months at a time.
While we were there, we got to see a growing manatee named Duke. Duke is an Antillean Manatee who currently weighs in at about 200 pounds, but he’ll need to be closer to 350 before he starts the process of being released back into the wild. [Read more...]

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Lions Of Tsavo

The lions at Tsavo where the only lions we saw while in Africa but they did not disappoint! 

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Packing List For Long Term Travel

Some of the most common questions people have had when they hear about our trip relate to how big my suitcase is and what I am planning to carry around the world. People get even more curious when I share that we are not planning to check any bags on our trip. So what is my packing list for long term travel?
And if you’ve known me since the days when I checked 2 suitcases to come home for two weeks at Christmastime, you might be even more interested.
Below is a pretty exhaustive list of my packing list for long term travel. I’ve also included the items I consider “group gear” that are in Daryle’s pack, like the first aid kit, camera, etc, since I think those are important to getting the full idea of what we have chosen to bring along.
After my first hike to our current cabin in Sayulita, I am already considering what I might leave behind when we head out at the end of the month. I’ll let you know what doesn’t make the cut.

My Packing List for Long Term Travel

In my Osprey Porter 46L (that’s equivalent to 2800 cu in for those not well-versed in liters), I am carrying: Read more now!

Slice Of Life In Belize

One of the great benefits of Couchsurfing or staying with locals in some other fashion, is the chance to do things tourists just don’t have anyway to know about or get to.
For instance, yesterday, we spent the day at a waterfall/swimming hole in the mountains, about 45 minutes outside Placencia. We are totally reliant on public transportation, so even if we knew about the waterfall, there’s no way we’d have gotten there. (There was definitely 4 wheel drive involved.)

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Hiking South Africa's Robberg Nature Reserve and Marine Protected Area

Yesterday and today, we’ve enjoyed the first real hikes of our trip. Luckily the weather has been gorgeous and winter in South Africa has turned out to be quite nice. Its a lot like spring in Colorado, in the 60s and 70s during the day and around 40 at night. Interestingly, we’ve found that very few places here have heat. We’ve been lucky that our last guest house had a space heater and this one has an electric blanket. This is only the first month of winter here, so it seems a little overconfident to me not to even install heating, but it must work out.

Click here to read more about Hiking South Africa's Robberg Nature Reserve and Marine Protected Area

How To Eat Cheap While Traveling

Lesson 1:
  • Look for where the locals eat.
  • If the menu is in English and you are not in an English-speaking country you are probably paying too much.
  • Eat street food.
We are in Flores, Guatemala and there are a lot of backpacking tourists and a lot of restaurants. We looked at some menus last night and we could easily have spent $20-$30 on dinner for the two of us, without even including drinks. 
Click to read more of How To Eat Cheap While Traveling

A Statue At Vigeland Park In Oslo Norway

As seen over at

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Swetsville Zoo In Northern Colorado

In this zoo you will not find any animals – you will just find a collection of sculptors crafted by Bill Swets. Creatures of all types, shapes and sizes, built from old machinery and random car parts. At sometime around 1985 he began making this junkyard art as a way to deal with insomnia, he would continue making them for ten years.

Click here to read the complete article on what we found at the Swetsville Zoo

Take Your Dream Vacation In A Year

Do you need a vacation? Have you been dreaming of travel? Is there a place you’ve always wanted to visit? Paris maybe? Or how about Rome? Considering China? Let’s not forget Australia. There are so many amazing places to visit but it seems so hard to ever get around to taking those incredible trips. Which is why you need to learn how to take your dream vacation in a year.

Sure there are many good reasons why it is so hard to take a dream vacation. The two main being money and time. Travel is expensive (or so you believe) and you don’t have the time to take any trips (or so you tell yourself).

A dream vacation is like any goal or project in life – through proper planning and preparation it is possible to travel anywhere in the world you want in a year. Have you ever taken the time to plan out your dream vacation just to see what exactly it would take to pull it off? Didn’t think so.

Click here to read the full article on how to take a vacation one year from today!