Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Wildtracks | Manatee and Primate Rehabilitation in Belize

What I saw and learned about the Manatee and Primate Rehabilitation in Belize hosted and managed by a non-profit organization called Wildtracks so fascinating I just might have to come back.
Not only do they serve as the only rehabilitation center for these species in Belize, they also have an amazing and affordable volunteer program that lets them accomplish a lot more, while allowing volunteers the opportunity to get experience working hands on with these animals for 1 or more months at a time.
While we were there, we got to see a growing manatee named Duke. Duke is an Antillean Manatee who currently weighs in at about 200 pounds, but he’ll need to be closer to 350 before he starts the process of being released back into the wild. [Read more...]

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