Saturday, April 16, 2016

Packing List For Long Term Travel

Some of the most common questions people have had when they hear about our trip relate to how big my suitcase is and what I am planning to carry around the world. People get even more curious when I share that we are not planning to check any bags on our trip. So what is my packing list for long term travel?
And if you’ve known me since the days when I checked 2 suitcases to come home for two weeks at Christmastime, you might be even more interested.
Below is a pretty exhaustive list of my packing list for long term travel. I’ve also included the items I consider “group gear” that are in Daryle’s pack, like the first aid kit, camera, etc, since I think those are important to getting the full idea of what we have chosen to bring along.
After my first hike to our current cabin in Sayulita, I am already considering what I might leave behind when we head out at the end of the month. I’ll let you know what doesn’t make the cut.

My Packing List for Long Term Travel

In my Osprey Porter 46L (that’s equivalent to 2800 cu in for those not well-versed in liters), I am carrying: Read more now!

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