Wednesday, March 12, 2014

"The world is your oyster."

I believe that is true because I believe we are living in the Golden Age of Global Travel. At no time in human history has it been easier to move yourself around planet earth than it is right now. And with the future always being uncertain that could change at anytime.

So the time to travel is now.

I know you have a desire to travel. I know there are places you dream of visiting. Experiences you desire to have. The time to do all this is now. Not later, not someday, but now.

Why is now the Golden Age of Global Travel?

Travel is affordable, more affordable than you probably think.

Money is a common excuse for not traveling but with proper planning and research you will find that it is possible to find very inexpensive to fly to your dream destination. These days you can gain free flights though mileage and points programs without setting foot on a plane.

This is oftern refered to as "travel hacking" and here are a few articles to get you started:

And it is not just airfare that is affordable. Lodging, transport, and meals can also be insanely cheap these days. In fact for an American it is very easy to spend less per day while traveling abroad than the amount spent per day living at home.

Travel is safer than it has ever been.

Historically travel of any great distance was a very dangerous endeavour. But now we live in a time when you can safely take a flight from New York City to London on a daily basis. In fact it is so common we take it for granted.
It is a good time to travel because the world is at peace.

Though it may not seem like it when you watch the news mankind is experiencing a level of peace unlike any other time in history. Only a small percentage of the planet is restricted due to war or conflicts. Even Croatia now has a thriving tourism industry.

The world is waiting for you.

The well known saying "The world is your oyster," comes from the Shakespeare play The Merry Wives of Windsor. In it the character Pistol states, "Why then the world's my oyster. Which with sword I will open."
Pistol is stating that he has the tools and the means to pry the world open and pluck the treasure that is hidden inside it. You too have the means to to pry the world open and experience the treasure that is waiting for you.
So what are you waiting for? 

The time to travel is now!

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